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Youth Healthcare Action is provided by NPO Pilcon, an organization dedicated to advancing SRHR through the implementation of comprehensive sexuality education and related initiatives. This program provides training materials specifically designed for professionals supporting young people and offers opportunities for interdisciplinary collaboration. By equipping supporters with the knowledge and skills necessary to create a “youth-friendly” environment, we aim to make young people feel that seeking support was a positive experience—one they would want to repeat. Additionally, we promote mechanisms that incorporate youth voices into care for young people and work towards building a system where they can continuously access the care they need with confidence and ease.

Produced by: Youth Healthcare Action (NPO Pilcon)

The Youth-Friendly Training provided here is based on WHO guidelines and was developed through collaboration with the Dutch sexuality education organization Rutgers, the Swedish Association for Youth Clinics, Japanese experts, and youth—including myself as a core member. The program covers essential concepts for achieving youth-friendly care, such as intersectionality, rights-based approaches, and youth needs, while also providing practical materials for implementation. I highly recommend it to anyone working with young people!

Website: YOUTH HEALTHCARE ACTION (Japanese only)

Recommender: Kazuko Fukuda (Project Researcher, IncluDE)